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01: Healer, Reaper
To be human is to hope, and plan for a “tomorrow”.

03: always be moon-loving
To be mortal is to love.

02: “if I fall asleep and slip under”
To be mortal is to fear.

The word “mortality” (root word “mortal”) originated from the Latin word “mortalis”, meaning the “condition of being subject to death.” It’s interesting to me that one of the essence of being human, is being mortal—that we die.

I once read somewhere that “a flower is only beautiful because it doesn’t last forever.” Is that why we covet the beautiful? Because it is ephemeral?

It made me wonder about what is it about being human that separates us from the mortality that we share with other living beings. // These pieces are an attempt to think of some answers.

04: "of strings that bind"
To be human is to be social. To be social is to have obligations.

06-B: "worlds within, worlds unbound"
A companion piece to “thoughtful brain, troubled mind” written during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and mass confinement. It was a shared storm, but we were each on our own individual boats weathering it.

05: "slave to the heart"
To be human is to want.

06-A: "thoughtful brain, troubled mind"
To be human is to imagine.