Hi there, it’s Hanaknight. I love creating beautiful things out of dried flowers, HTML audiovisual poetry & gacha machines.
I’m an artist and creative writer/poet who is deeply interested in media technology, design thinking, culture & society, and giving hot takes about the intersection of all these topics.
I create as an outlet to process my thoughts and feelings about the world around and within me, and through my work, I hope to give a second life to things we see in the everyday.
Thematically, my work revolves around contemplations about surrounding growing up in third-culture communities; the ways that digital and the physical mediums of creative expression could be/should be interacting and supplementing each other; and unpacking the complex relationship between pain and hope.
I believe in what I call a “fraternal twins” vision of creating “phydigital” works & experiences. I want to be intentional about capturing & preserving what elevates and deepens the experience of physical work versus its digital twin counterpart, as well as vice versa.
Aside from my mixed-media visual pieces, I also work on worldbuilding and lore, poetry, HTML audiovisual works. A core pillar in my creative journey is taking interdisciplinary perspectives and infusing them together to paint a picture of the human experience.
Aside from all that, I like floral-infused cocktails and almond tofu.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoy this little virtual glimpse into my mind.
“she’s got ink in her veins, a garden in her heart and a galaxy in her head.”