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Minty: A life from gaming to music production

To say that Minty is “well-known” is an understatement; her online presence is overwhelming and kaleidoscopic. From her own social media posts about her gaming projects to fan-made content and media journalist accounts of her socialisation with the social elite, Minty’s wide range of passions and involvement in different interest clusters have made her well-loved across different communities.

The Analos Music Group first scouted Minty when she went viral for being the DJ for her school’s annual open house bazaar. She fought hard to gain approval from the student council board to allow her to DJ instead of inviting a rising renowned artists. Her determination paid off. The event was a huge success and Minty’s concert made it to the local papers. Later that month, she was on national television.

Minty draws analogies between DJ-ing to her longstanding passion in RPG gaming. “Mixing EDM tunes is almost like gaming where you’re trying out different team composition for combat games.”

A typical day for Minty almost feels like it stretches out a week: There’s her schoolwork, basketball and hip-hop classes after, then gaming grind & streams, and music production in the evening... Not to mention homework and socialisation time and also personal down time and sleep...

Well how does she have time for all this? “You know what, I have no clue,” she laughs. Minty often jokes that she is ‘perpetually running on caffeine and adrenaline’. “Which is an exaggeration of course,” she quickly amended (in case mom is going to read this, she cheekily grins). “Time management is really what it’s about. I think I’m fortunate that I have so many persisting interests, which translate into avenues that are life-giving.”

Minty’s first music sets were actually RPG-inspired OSTs that blended traditional acoustics and electro bops. Her inspiration and role models include David Guetta’s remixes and Kyle Landry’s piano covers.