
AeryCentral Pop Stars

1/1 NFT Collection of Pop Stars & Cute Chibibi Companions bringing together singing, music, and fun. Project lead @don_kong Artist @aerii_x_ Lore @_hanaknight17

 Aery Central is the place where Pop Stars and cute Chibibi companions hang. President GK, head of the Analos Music Group holding company, aims to grow an organic community at the intersection of art, music, and good vibes.

The “Moosic Crew” Pop Stars is a 1-of-1 collection of music artists living on the Solana blockchain. The first pieces take inspiration from Japanese anime and Asia-international music groups. A % of all royalties from byAery Art pieces go into funding holders who participate in online events such as karaoke music concerts backed by . Holders can also choose to have their share donated to a fund used for orchestrating activities (i.e. merch) for the Moosic Crew.

The Chibibis will be a 1-of-1 PFP collection that represents being an OG fan and entitles you to a lifelong VIP membership at Aery Central. A % of sales will be allocated to a fund for supporting and orchestrating activities (i.e. merch or investment funds) for our community.

Meet cool people, read some paparazzi interviews & stories below, or just chill in a corner of our Discord~